Reproducing an image
If you wish to reproduce an oil painting from Guildhall Art Gallery's collections, then please find the artwork on the ArtUK website. Low resolution files are available under Creative Commons license. To license a high-resolution image please click the shopping trolley icon under the image and then ‘buy an image license’ and select your usage criteria. Once you have purchased the license you will be supplied the high-resolution file. This process is managed by ArtUK.
Where it is not possible to license the image via ArtUK you can apply directly for a license by sending a completed Reproduction Application Form to the Licensing Team at Guildhall Art Gallery.
Copyright research
Guildhall Art Gallery undertakes ongoing research to ensure that copyright information related to our collections is accurate. Despite these efforts the copyright status of some works in our collection and the identity of some copyright holders remains unclear.
If you have related information that you feel may be helpful to us, email the Guildhall Art Gallery Team. To discuss copyright issues, call 020 7332 3700.