Plan Your Visit

How are we keeping you safe?

The City of London is committed to keeping its visitors safe.

Our trained security stewards and front of house team will welcome you and be on hand across our sites throughout to ensure a safe and enjoyable event for all.

We work closely with the City of London Police and emergency services to ensure our security procedures are up to date and following best practice. We also engage with the City of London Police on Project Servator and continuously focus on delivering safe and secure environments for our events.

CCTV operates throughout the City of London to assist in the prevention and detection of crime, to aid public safety, and assist with management of the public highway.

What can you do to help keep everyone safe?

We remind all visitors that you have an important role to play by reporting anything that doesn't feel right, for example, an unattended item or someone acting suspiciously.

If you see anything concerning, please tell a member of our staff who are positioned at the performance and Marketplace sites. We will always take your concerns seriously.

Please cooperate fully with all security checks and support these vital members of our team as they carry out important work to keep us all safe.

Find out more about #BeSafeBeSound.

Do summer safely

We are supporting the Counter Terrorism Policing summer campaign, encouraging the public to stay alert and report anything that doesn’t feel right to security.

You can play your part by trusting your instincts, and if you see something that doesn’t feel right, tell security.

Here are some quick tips to help you have a safe and enjoyable time:

  • Arrive early, allowing more time for security checks and measures.
  • Be patient with security checks. It might seem inconvenient, but they are in place to help you.
  • Keep it simple and minimise what you carry. Fewer bags to search will speed up entry.
  • Stay alert and look out for each other. If you see something that doesn’t feel right, tell security. Don’t leave it to someone else.
  • Don’t leave bags unattended. Never agree to look after a stranger’s bag, no matter how genuine they seem.
  • If there is an incident, listen to staff and any announcements.

In an emergency, always call 999.

Have an amazing time, and if you see something that doesn’t feel right, report it to security straight away. Thank you for playing your part.